Seeds of Chaos Cheats & Console Commands

Seeds of Chaos Cheats – Enable Console

There is no command console by default, but there is a file in which you can enable it

You have to enable the console and these are the steps you need:

  1. Find the file “00Console.RPY” (route: Directory)\seeds-of-chaos\renpy\common)
  2. Open 00Console.RPY with notepad
  3. Find the line config.console = False (CTRL+F config.console)
  4. Replace False with True (with a capital T)
  5. Save changes and close notepad

Now that you have enabled the console you can use any of the following cheats or console commands. Enter the game and press Shift + O to open the console

Seeds of Chaos Cheats – Console Commands List

Player cheats or console commands

These cheats or console commands are Player (MC) related

  • Gold Amount: = x (replace x with a number)
  • Exp Amount: avatar.exp = x (replace x with a number)

You don’t need anything else, just give you enough xp to max all the stats


Castle cheats or console commands

These cheats or console commands are Castle related

  • Coffers Amount: castle.coffers = x (replace x with a number)
  • Coffers Amount: castle.treasury = x
  • Training coffers amount: castle.training_coffers = x (replace x with a number)
  • Supplies Amount: = x (replace x with a number)
  • Peasants amount: castle.peasants = x (replace x with a number)
  • Soldiers amount: castle.soldiers = x (replace x with a number)
  • Morale Amount: castle.morale = x (replace x with a number)
  • Unrest Amount: castle.unrest = x (replace x with a number)
  • Resource points amount: castle.rp = x (replace x with a number)
  • Defence points amount: castle.dp = x (replace x with a number)

Alexia cheats or console commands

These cheats or console commands are Alexia related


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